Thanks I ll also share my experience shortly, its a tough journey with countless times I almost gave up. I ll include your post in my experience it was helpful.
Nice article, encouraging to see the result, I am in a similar situation and would like to adopt this approach. Thanks for writing and sharing your experience! If I also emerge successful, would be glad to share my experience too!
I'm so happy I came across your blog posts. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog posts!
Thank you so much for publishing these super useful blog posts, I appreciate it. I am sort of in a similar situation. I was wondering if you could share the list of law firms you evaluated for your petition and which one you ended up choosing.
Thanks I ll also share my experience shortly, its a tough journey with countless times I almost gave up. I ll include your post in my experience it was helpful.
Who is the lawyer you hired?
Good article on EB1-A process and general information.
Nice article, encouraging to see the result, I am in a similar situation and would like to adopt this approach. Thanks for writing and sharing your experience! If I also emerge successful, would be glad to share my experience too!
HI, this is really good info. Would appreciate, if you can share the list of law firms you had evaluated.
I'm so happy I came across your blog posts. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog posts!
Thank you so much for publishing these super useful blog posts, I appreciate it. I am sort of in a similar situation. I was wondering if you could share the list of law firms you evaluated for your petition and which one you ended up choosing.